Expat Banking Poll: Vote and win an iPad 2
By Bill Cariker - 8 November 2011

Just Landed and Lloyds TSB International have teamed up to offer a new expat banking poll.
Do you trust the banks in the country you’re living in? Or do you feel safer dealing with banks from home?
Whatever your opinion, we want to know what you think about managing money abroad. In fact, we’re so keen to hear what you’ve got to say, we’ve teamed up with Lloyds TSB International to offer you the chance to win an iPad!
Just answer two simple questions and tell us your story to be entered into the prize draw. What are you waiting for?
Update: This poll is now closed. Thank you for your participation.
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If i have 10 million. I would put it in my home banks as i feel safe at home. May be some part of it i will deposit in the country where i live in for my expenses or maybe i will invest in property at home rather in a foriegn country.
if i have one million euro i will invest in TBS loyds international because i trust the bank and the system
probably a combination of saving/investing/giving to charity
I’ll put only 100.000$ in the bank, and 100.000$ to charity, and i’ll invest the rest in properties..
money for charity and some for me
Hats off to wheeovr wrote this up and posted it.
Oh, goodness, I frankly never thought about it (which is probably why I’ll never have a million euros).. I know I wouldn’t stash it away, but use it to “fulfill my dreams” (as soon as I figure out what they are!). Still, till then, I guess I’ll need to put it somewhere, and I’m not sure how much I trust (or like) “traditional” banks/investment companies these days.. (Would I give my money to the devil if it promised me a good return? Perhaps. But can I trust the devil to keep its promise? And would I have anyone but myself to blame if it doesn’t?)
im saving that money in SB account in my trust bank
As the question clearly asked “Where would you SAVE the money” and NOT what would I do with it – my answer would be in an Offshore Account.
whin i have the many i will save it in my bank after that i will think what to do
I will use this money to save the needed childrens life. & helping them
Okay I’m convinced. Let’s put it to actoin.
I would invest in non-profit organizations for the defavorised communities.
I would invest some in property, and play with some in the stock market – why not?
I would give 10-20% to my family and friends, then invest some in a flat at the beach in Sydney and with the rest I would travel.
I will save it for my family and a part of it will donate in charity for save the children
i would spends on the Needed persons ,build the Mosque , some for THe NGo and other spend on my family…
Save 0.6M in a Saudi Arabian Bank, 0.3M in a US Bank, 0.1M in a Philippine Bank.
i will put it in my Bank because in there it will more save tnan in any other place
and somecharity
I would not save it in a bank, I would invest it in properties
If I had Euro 1Million…..
1] Invest Euro 500,000 in property in Goa (India), Bombay (India)
Reason: Even if i’m bankrupt tomorrow i can go home n have no burden on me.
2] Invest the next 250,000 in financial institutions in South East Asia – Singapore, South Korea & China…
3] Give 150,000 to my parent.
4] Remaining 100,000 to various organizations helping to cut child labour, blind & handicap in my country.
1 million … i guess i would spread it in different banks making sure that each account amount will be covered(guaranteed) by the government of the respective country.
Another option is to buy property in Malta,Europe,which is the small Island in the Med-Sea,where property prices have kept their values.
Best option is to invest in a Business,buy a good property and run it or just rent it.
in the bank
I would buy some stocks and with the rest of the money I would buy a cheap house which is not in so good condition. Then I would make the house as goos as new and sell it.
I will invest it in needy people.
If the option is only saving:
I will split the money 200K each and go for 5 different banks to open saving accounts. There will be at least 2 Asian (Indian, Bangladeshi, Hong Kong, Singapore etc) banks with worldwide presence for high interest rate (some of them offers up to 13%)
If the option includes investment too:
I will buy 2 properties for 500K and rent out for regular monthly income, which will be deposited to 2 different saving accounts.
Will buy one property for myself for 200K to live peacefully.
Will invest 250K on 3/4 technology start-up companies as an angel investor.
Will keep the rest 50K on 2/3 different current accounts.
1 million Sorted.
i will put it in my bank or buy big land
i would travel around and put my money in a fixed deposit
I would invest in Gold, MF, Debt Funds and Cash.
I would save the same amount in govt. banks of my home country.I will start my own business in my home country,same time i am enjoying the life with my family in all respect.
I would definately open a school in my home town where both my purpose would be served.
1) My contribution towards humanity and my Country.
2) It would secure my investment and retirement.
i will save it in my favorate bank
If I had a million Euro I’d definitely go into the property market. These are win win investments. The only thing U need to know is where the prime property market is, log onto to the property and watch your money grow.
If I had €1million, realistically, this is most likely what I’d do with it:
1) Clear all outstanding loans
2) Start an education fund for my future kids
3) Put a percentage of it in a Fixed Deposit account, potentially somewhere in an offshore account (cash is still King)
4) Purchase a home in Malaysia (that’s where I’m from), preferably freehold landed property – the property market in Asia seems to be pretty stable at the moment
5) Purchase a commercial real estate to generate monthly income – this would most likely be a shoplot or office unit
6) And whatever that’s left will be invested in commodoties such as Gold or in OIl & Gas – this would be a good hedge against inflation
Its a great idea to invest the money. I would definitely be splurge initially.. some extra shopping etc.. but I will deposit the rest of the million into an savings accounts. I trust the banks at my Home and this Country. the difference in the value of money do come as an advantage to me. And for sure some money is going for my Kid’s College Fund! Abroad education is really really expensive these days despite the recession! Once again, I can only Wish!
25%- Charity
30%- Property
15%- stocks of Renewable/Alternative Energy companies
10%- Fixed Deposits
10%- New Business Venture
10%- family, friends and myself
Payoff mortgages and invest in new business
Don’t know why I keep getting asked to complete again and again when I have done so as above
I would pay off existing mortgages and invest the remainder into a new startup business
I would pay off existing mortgages and invest remainder into new startup business
Property will be my first choice.
deposit it in a saving account
Will invest in the property market in a city like Mumbai India. The boom is just incredible, people have quadrupled their property prices in 5 year spans!
I would deposit it in my saving account.
if i have one million i would have save it in my saving account.
I would definitely not put it in ICBC, that’s for sure! We thought China’s banks were all connected, and when my husband’s bank card got stolen after we moved cities, we thought we could show our ID to get the money out. How wrong we were! We had to travel back by plane in a different city to the bank where we first set up our account a year ago to retrieve it!
Lesson of the day: always put your money in a well connected, well trusted bank. That’s where my winnings would go!
if i had a chance to have 1 million i will put 50% on the bank i trusted..and the 50% will put on investment like farm lot or residential lot
Invest in eco science:)…take a while but would bring back a lot of oney and clear air for all of us:)
I would renovate my 2nd house
I would save it with a bank I trust and am comfortable with. Good customer service, clear communication in my preferred language, fair rates and competent advice will play a key role in deciding which bank I choose.
I would save it with a bank I trust and am comfortable with. Good customer service, clear communication in my language, fair rates and competent advice will play a huge role in which bank I choose.
Being a solar cell scientist, I would say invest it in solar power. With the garanteed feedin tariffs and grants you can make better returns that via high interest accounts and it is much more secure than trying to manage a property portfolio or stock options!
property! somewhere in the Turkish riviera!
Investment fund will be good idea to save this big amount.
I keep it in the bank as a life saving
I would deposit in a good reputable bank where
I can get good rate of interest on it.
spend half of it and the rest in the stock market- nows the time to buy 🙂
I’d probably invest in property. And help a little charities. 🙂
I would probably split it in 5 and put it in different banks. (And I would keep a considerable amount of cash, just in case.)
Swiss bank UBS.
I would invest it in gold or some property abroad. But the idea of ​​journey around the world is also possible 🙂
I would use it as deposit on a full block of flats, and take out mortgages to cover the balance. then rent them out, to achieve a yield of between 15% and 20% per year. I would then re invest that profit into more distressed properties.
I would invest it in worthwhile, trusted charitable projects.
“Where would you save it?”. Honestly, with all systems failing, it may be best to save it at home where you can see it. But then again what if the currency got devalued or scrapped. Being bit of a gambler, I would invest in FOREX. If I decided to play safe, I would invest in Gold. Gold has never tarnished nor lost its value.
I will save the money in an International Bank considering the fact that they have less risks as compared to local banks and also the terms of operations are better than that of local banks.I will open a fixed account and a savings account since part of it I will need oftenly and part of it will be for any future expenses after thinking of a good investment to venture in.
I will not save it- I will travel and help my children.
i will not – I will travel
I will save the money in an International Bank considering the fact that they have less risks as compared to local banks.I will open a fixed account and a savings account since part of it I will need oftenly and part of it will be for any future expenses after thinking of a good investment to venture in.
I would keep it in my bank account in my home country. I speak the language and trust them enough.
I would buy German Government Bonds. Sure, the prices are toppish and they would not yield that much, but it is a rock solid investment and with the option that they might be converted to an appreciating Deutsche Mark, given a default of the Eurozone.
I’d use half of it to buy property in the country where I live, keep half of the rest in cash fixed deposits across two or three different banks, some where I live and some in my home country. With the rest I’d set up an investment portfolio of high-rated bonds and equity index tracker funds.
If I win £1.000.000 I’m absolutely sure, I’d buy a house in Central London, for my children now 4 and 6 years old, my experience living abroad in England it is amazing! I love here, I don’t want to come back to Italy!
With Europe the way it is at the moment I’d definitely change it to a more stable currency and then look to invest in property after putting aside enough for my kids to finish university wherever they wanted to go. Those two could be combined depending on the property market for the places they want to study.
Well as I have 2 houses currently and am looking at a third, I can tell you I have:
1/ Invested in property in 2 countries.
2/ Put money in the bank.
3/ Put money in long term savings in the bank.
4/ Bought some stocks and shares.
The importance is to diversify in you investments.
In a Morgan Stanley five year 12% income note
I’d split it 60/40 between a mixture of stock funds and cash/fixed-income funds. The world is more and more one global economy, and we need to hold each other accountable to that standard. Certainly the USA and the EU will sink or swim together — we’re in the same lifeboat.
If I have 1M I will save it in my bank account at home Because I’m sure that my money is all safe and secure. After all that’s the country were I was born and I have my family living there so they can always check if the money in my bank account is safe and still there.
under my matress, lol
I would invest 60% and save 40% in a Swiss bank account.
I’d fix up the house I just bought, create a luxury outdoor oasis in the back yard, then invest the rest and live off the interest. Or maybe open a small business and then invest the remainder. Maybe I’d invest with Llyod’s TSB!
I think I will save it where it was more safer…
I would make a trip around the world with my husband!! Then probably put a deposit on a house when we were finished travelling 🙂
If I have 1M I will save it in my bank account at home Because I’m sure that my money is all safe and secure. After all that’s the country were I was born and I have my family living there so they can always check if the money in my bank account is safe and still there.
Save in my bank
I will be spending some money as for my need and will help others as well too, specially for the poor peoples who are struggling for their basic need.
i would rather to do business and the some will be put in my savings….
In Swiss bank account, of course.
1st of all i will make a beautiful home for my family in home town because its been a dream since childhood and the rest money will deposit in a BANK especially in Lloyds TSB International (Because one of my friend is working there and i know how is this bank). Some amount i will put as a FD and rest i will try to start my own trading business and rotate the same money in BANK.
I’d invest it in property while prices are rock bottom, both in Spain and the UK.
Of course I’d also pay my mortgage off!
Biggest part of it into real estate and other low-risk investments, and the rest for speculation, and making quick money.
I’d probably buy a small place at home in Dublin as an investment and for when I visit/work there and put the rest in my Swiss savings account.
I’ll make a big partyyyy and then travel all over the world
Never in one place! In land, in bricks, in my business, part in the bank, and maybe in shares of another company
I would use it to buy an asset like a land or a property to gain a high profit compared to the “solid” interest profit I might get at the bank.
I’ll save it in my bank account.
I would put it in my bank in Australia. Not feeling so trusting in the European banks at the moment.
At a Swiss bank
I would buy investment properties in Berlin and start a bookstore/cafe/art gallery. I would also set up a long term savings plan with my bank here in Germany.
If I were soooooooooo lucky!! I would save some, buy (probably a UK ) property with some and pay off my childrens mortgages with some
First of all i would give away 2% for charity and 50% i would invest in property (car included) and the balance i would spend it on world tour with family.
I would buy a couple more investment properties.
I would keep the money deposited in my bank here in Kuwait, especially that they offer an excellent interest, according to the business market.
I would keep the money deposited in my bank here in Kuwait, especially that they offer an excellent interest, according to the business market.
I think to buy a property somewhere else is not always a great investment, since there is maintenance to pay, and many other problems.
I’d buy another investment property.
I would put it in an investment find focusing on start up companies.
I don`t think I would save the entire sum. I would probably buy some real estate. But if I really have to save all the money in the bank it would definitely be a bank in the EU. To be more precise, a bank in Germany or in Switzerland.. Depending on the tax I would have to pay. I have much more confidence in legal systems in those countries, unlike the country I come from, an ex YU country, whose legal system is still corrupted and unsafe.
If I had 1 Million euros, “Foreclosures, here I come”
If I won a million euro, I would pay off all my and my sons’ debt.
Next I would help my sisters and the other people I love.
After that, I would send my kids to university and buy a house,
then invest the rest.
Since in my country I cannot put the money in a fixed deposit as an expatriate, i
would buy a big property and invest some of the money in gold. I would of course clear of all my loans and obligations before i do that.
I would invest it in funds
I will save it in the bank in my home nation.
Invest it in agriculture.
Engage in a dot com business and invest it in stocks or agriculture.
Part of this amount i will use it and the secand part i will save in bank and take monthly intrest on it
I’d invest it in property, the stock market and use some of it for starting a business.
I save it in my saving account.
iam using only fixed deposit in the bank.
I will make the best sports complex for children and adult.
I would save it in 2 or 3 different banks.
$1.000.000 Uao…I’ll help needy family after I made that money double. Buy apartments and rent them after the money is doubled. With one million, if you start helping family and friends, or buying ferraris and houses you won’t have anything left to work on and you’ll be broke before you know it. There are a lot of money making businesses that will grow with that kind of little help. I won’t help anyone. So if anyone has a million to spare and wants to watch it grow I have the right ideas to double that money in short term
50,000 in five different banks = 250,000
New Bmw X5= 100,000
Move Home =300,000
3 x 100,000 apartments on Costa to rent out = 300,000
Gifts to family 50,000
I would send one part to my saving account, with the other part I would organize a neighborhood breakfast where everyone has to invite a less fortunate person to share the breakfast with.
I will invest a good chunk in funds and will us the remaining amount to start up a little business to regenerate profits..
I will invest a good chunk in funds and will us the remaining amount to start up a little business to regenerate profits.
In a trusted bank
I would put the money in my English bank.
I would invest the money in real estates or gold 🙂 in all cases I would store them in a bank account.
property definitely … somewhere in “the southern European expat property markets” definitely
I would invest in funds with Ancoria Insurance Ltd. Good products, safe, excellent customer service.
if i had one million i would have save it in my saving account (sacb bank )
if i had one million i would have save it in my saving account
I would prefer in long term investment, where i can earn sound return and re-invest in course of time..
My Lloyds TSB Account!
A Swiss bank account
Bank in home country
I would secure an investment in property assets as well as the stock exchange.
I would save it by buying house for myself
Lloyds TBS International!
I would invest part of it in a mutual fund. Probably with Schwaab. Then, part of it in a new business opportunity.
first I will change it in Swiss francs for half, and buy gold for half. The swiss francs on an saving account in the Raiffeisen Bank (being a member with no charge) and the gold in the safe in the same bank but another subsidiary (each is independent).
I will not save it, just spend it, maybe purchase an apartment.
I will save here abroad
I would save it in the bank that gave me the best saving interest!
I prefer to invest on Property/ Land… When I am in 50s will do the own Farming..
I would save half in the account in Switzerland,the other would invest partially into charity funds and etc
I would invest €700 000 in gold and diamonds, than €200 000 would most likely be invested in US Dollar and I would use the rest to earn interest in my bank 🙂
Lloyds TSB International, where ese ! kaching .
putting money in the bank is very safe but we can’t use that money i will rether prefer putting part of money in bank insteD OF ALL THE MONEY
I would invest half the money in two x 2 bedroom flats in commuter belt London – perhaps Reading both would yield a rental return of up to £1500 each.
With the rest I would pay off my Mortgage – and rent my ex-council house in Bath for approx £900 a month.
I would then go to Brazil, buy some land and build a property whilst living off the rental income from the 3 UK properties. Nice work if you can get it.
If I would have one million I would like to by a villa in Rivinj, Croatia and rent it.
Real Estate in Luzern
Real estate … in Luzern.
Probably in a savings account or in gold bars (and then again, in a bank). I’m kinda old-fashioned.
I wouldn’t save it,I’d spend it!
Mostly in property. 50% France, 50% UK.
I would spend some for charity and poor
Under my mattress!
I woudl invest in property, buy to let mainly. Get a couple of regeneration projects on as well as buying my own house. I would have to give some to charaties for abused children and the local animal shelter.
The bank for sure!!
I would put it towards property and some in my savings.
reall state for sure but the where i’m gonna save a stright mill worth of money it’s gonna have to be the bank! that’s the safest choice!!!
Lets see the question is where do u save a mill?
i will save it under ground in my garden!!!
If I had 1 million euros, I would rather like to invest it instead of keeping it in my saving account. Moreover, I would probably try to diversify my investments. For example, just for safety perspective, I would invest around 30% of it in fix-deposit account to take care of the fluctuating economy. Then, I would invest the remaining in real-estates/properties in India. Real estate is considered to be one of the safest investment in India, and if you are lucky and smart enough, it can give you 200% return in just 4-5 years.
in my home country! but where is home?
I would invest part of the amount in creating a Language and employment agency and the other part in making sure that my 2 daughters’ university education is cared for.
In my savings account.
With all these silly wbseites, such a great page keeps my internet hope alive.
Thanks for wriintg such an easy-to-understand article on this topic.
i would probably set up a trust fund
I would put a part of it on my account in order to invest them as soon as I have a good business plan, and the other part I would donate to the hospital for children ill with cancer, where my sister is a doctor.
I will purchase precious metals and save them in the safe box in the bank.
I would invest the money in 4-5 one bed room apartments and rent them out.
sure on the bank , becz in this dayes is very dangers and risky if u put on stock but maybe if i see good chance in reall state its ok .
Lloyds TSB International of course!
it depends on the situation, If I put in my home country I will get 17% profit but if I put in the place which I’m living there, I won’t get any profit or they might give 1% which is nothing.
part of it for charity, part of it to have fun with and part investing. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that we win the million dollars (or an ipad, that would be nice too 🙂
i will open NGO for poor people and also make new home for poor people because i also feel poorness and i want help those people who is establish
I’m impressed! You’ve managed the amlsot impossible.
I actually found this more entertianing than James Joyce.
I will pass on a major part to an orphanage or a charity program. Balance amount I will use to adopt a needy child and INVEST in his education and for his safe future
i would save it in my mum’s locker . i feel my money safe there (: and offcourse a part of it in bank so whenever i need cash when im out for shopping or nything, i wouldn’t have to carry much cash all the time with myself but i can go for debit card or credit card.
save? it’ already gone… 🙂
i would save it in my mum’s locker . i feel my money safe there (:
and offcourse a part of it in bank so whenever i need cash when im out for shopping or nything, i wouldn’t have to carry much cash all the time with myself but i can go for debit card or credit card.
I will pass on a major part to an orphanage or a charity program. Balance amount I will use to adopt a needy child and INVEST in his education and for his safe future.
I’m out of laeuge here. Too much brain power on display!
I would invest 50% in the U.S. stock market, with selected companies. With the rest I owuld buy property.
save it in the bank because my bank gave me 7% profit on my saving every month
That’s going to make things a lot eaiser from here on out.
That’s the best awsenr of all time! JMHO
wel if i had 1 million thn i wuld defnetly save litle amount in sm bank which is trust worthy n with money lft il invest it by buying sm property n keep it with me 4 sm tym n whn itx price will b at high peak il sale it n dix way ill earn more money ill turn 1 million in to more millions n dix way ill utilise dat 1 million in a sensible way…………….
TYVM you’ve solved all my prbolmes
Always the best content from these prodigiuos writers.
I probably would pay off any debts, help all our children, buy ourselves a holiday cottage somewhere nice……… The rest if any coud then go into a 5 year bond………
If I had €1.000.000 assigned to my name, I would put it on an account where I can easily manage and have a good overview of my money. A few banks offer good account and service for people with a considerable amount of money. Coincidentally, Loyds TSB is one of them. Asset management is very important in order to know that your assets are secure and in good, capable hands. Having a banking manager comes in very handy for situations where you have questions or wish to get information on what else is possible for you and your assets. With the right amount of money and a good bank, the sky’s the limit.
I’d try to locate the majority of it on some savings/investing account and don’t touch it until i figure out what would the money be useful for. investment, the current rates etc.
I would combine with other investors to set up an education non-profit to provide small loans for emergency funds (for example, serious illness) for college students from low-income backgrounds at very low interest.
Thank you so much for this atrlcie, it saved me time!
I would put the money in my home banks. Pay off all of my debts, and then most likely distribute it into several different money funds for future needs of myself and my family. 🙂
Nowadays is not safe to put all the money in just one place, so in my case I used 4 ways
1-Cash not all the time and all places you can buy or pay using cards
2- Bank account in my country. (In case that we have any family emergency)
3-Bank account in the country that I live. (Easy to access any time)
4-Invest in the stock market or any additional business.
Four different places less risk
Minor Vega
i would like invest in property … and invest in banks fixed deposites … and buy some personal things which is very important for me and for my future … 🙂
harphajannnn…………………..your idea ..very nice dear …
Will probably put it in my bank back home and open a solid investment portfolio. No risky stocks these days… 🙂
Before I do that, will probably take 1K or so an go shopping 😉
I’d buy something worth as much, and that doesn’t loses its worth!
yeah… boooooring.
or put it in a swiss bank 😉
If only I had 1 million euros, I would certainly invest it on land back in my home country (where incidentally land value is booming).
put it into a bank and then work out how the money goes with that bank.
I would buy a couple of apartments (in Paris) and rent them.
I’d like to have my money overseas and work out a business there further.
Ofcourse in an bank..!!
This does look promising. I’ll keep coimng back for more.
Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet article. Lol thakns
if i have that money….i would prefer to make little investments somewhere n love to travel across world
If I had a million Euro I’d definitely go into the property market. These are win win investments. The only thing U need to know is where the prime property market is, log onto to the property and watch your money grow.
i will save it in my favorate bank
What a joy to find such clear thinking. Thanks for postnig!
This info is the cat’s pjaaams!
save it on a bank tell find A successful business
Heck yeah this is excalty what I needed.
That’s way more cveler than I was expecting. Thanks!
I’d likely go overseas with it.
I feel safer dealing with my home bank! Not that I have some problems with the new bank … but i’m a bit preoccupied what will happen if i go back to Brasil. I know some people that had many complications when they wanted to close the account ..
I generally follow two principles. First is “never trust door to door sales people” and the second “never trust banks”. Regretfully, my first three moths in Spain just reinforced my distrust. I’m looking for a bank that would suits my business’s needs but so far I didn’t find one that would at least try to show some interest in my inquiries. Funny story, isn’t it? Well, I hope I will be able to participate with a more positive post soon 🙂
If only… I’m pretty sure I’d put the majority of it into property… perhaps property abroad. I already have a little place on the south coast of France and that’s worked out as a nice little investment. I imagine I’d probably enjoy myself with the money a bit first, though.
Property could definitely a good choice – as long as you don’t touch southern European expat property markets.
i wil give away
I second the property notion! Then it’d be invested somewhere AND I would no longer have to pay rent.
Would consult my bankers first and foremost and work with them if they have a investment product, which I will use to plan on my million.
If henry have the money, i will give thanksgiving in church, and also, i will give motherless baby, and also provide job opportunity to jobless people.
I would buy an old farm with land in Portugal, renovate it completely, live there and rescue horses. I would invest some of the money to live off the interest, would let part of the renovated farm to tourists that are intersted in horses and animal welfare and try and become self-sufficient.
Abu Dhabi